Monday, September 26, 2016

Fall Colors 2016 Part 2

When I started this blog I had the thought process of "since I want to try my hand at photography; I'll go a head and share my journey with others through a blog." Then as I began learning about photography reality hit. I thought I had jumped into the shallow end of the pool without a care in the world. I didn't realize what I was jumping into was the ocean with the shallow end being non-existent... I have to say the thought of giving up has crossed my mind since I'm way out of my depth (see what I did there?). Instead I decided to go online and look at the photos that the professionals have done; great idea right? I compared their photo's with mine and learned I have a very long ways to go. Surprisingly I wasn't discouraged. I went to YouTube to watch some videos to find out what photographers do to make their photo's look so beautiful. This is when I discovered editing and shooting in RAW Format vs JPEG. 

Unfortunately I don't possess an editing program and even if I did I don't have a computer to install it onto. For all of those who are wondering how I'm posting my pictures here I'm using someone else computer with their permission. It has been my goal to change this but one thing at a time. Up until now I've been taking photo's in JPEG and have officially switched over to RAW in the hopes that I'll get the equipment I need to begin editing. Which for the record I didn't even realize was needed prior to two days ago. I'm consistently finding out that the water I'm swimming in is deeper and deeper and I just hope that I'm not making myself look like an idiot on here. I also didn't realize that their's quite the debate going on between taking pictures in RAW and taking pictures in JPG. Frankly (as all of you know) I'm new at this so I will be taking my pictures in RAW just in case I finally learn what in the world I'm actually doing here. After all I can switch to JPG if I ever want to but I can't switch the other way around. So for now RAW Format.

Apparently the computer that I'm using (probably this one time only) has basic editing capabilities so I edited these photos slightly so if these pictures look better (which they do). You know the reason why.

Anyways onto the actual update. In Cedar City, Utah I've always been interested in traveling up the C Mountain to a specific area where several square acres of aspen trees are clumped together. I finally went up there yesterday with clear skies (unlike last week) so it was beautiful weather. I still needed a light jacket due to the breeze but overall I was highly satisfied. Thankfully the area had a road close by so I parked and walked the short distance needed to get to my destination. 

Almost immediately I began taking pictures; and I've never in my life have consciously seen colors as vibrant and with such contrast as I've seen in this area. I'm not sure if it's because I'm beginning photography and I'm now seeing things in a different perspective or if it was the situation. I thought the photos from Cedar Highlands were beautiful but this time I was literally at a loss for words. I just hope the photos I took will at the very least do some amount of justice for Mother Nature.

I was taking pictures right and left and was surprised to feel adrenaline coursing through my body. I kept hoping that I was doing things right but knew even if some of the photo's I was taking were not up to par settings wise. That I would be able to see how they will turn out at a future time when I edit them (Someday). So the main thing I was worried about was taking photo's at the right angle and correct focus. I told a friend of mine who's name is Brooke how I was feeling through text and she replied "Isn't the mind of an artist/photographer wonderful?" 

I'm truly learning so much and seeing so much at the same time. I don't know if I'll ever be as good as the professionals are; but if I keep seeing the beauty I saw yesterday and continue feeling a feeling of utter awe. I don't care where I'm at on this journey it's all worth it in my eyes.  :)

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